Its started to warm up here in the north land after a very cold and snowy year. It hasn't broken out freezing temps yet - but its been averaging about 20 degrees for the past week - which is pretty comfortable, honestly - after subzero temps for almost two months.
Jack's had me out splitting wood, and we finally cleared the yard out to the old highway - so if we *need* to we can try to get somewhere. Still a lot of snow though. We turned a lot of it into ice bricks, which was cold, wet work - but it got the job done without having to visit the Mouse this year.
Still haven't seen the folks over in the old Ashiem place, but they check in every couple of days by radio. Its been a very slow winter.
Anna and Jack have been talking about something when I've been out doing chores. I'm not sure what. But its starting to bug me. I mean - I get that whatever they're talking about is private - but I live in the house too, and it feels like whatever they're talking or arguing or whatever about, they keep talking about it silently - when I'm in the room
Its really annoying.
But whatever.
Yesterday I spotted, and shot a doe - one of a few that must be eating at our feeders - and hauled it in after gutting it. Not a pleasant bit, but at least in the cold, the smell stays down. Jack showed Annabell how to skin the doe and set the skin to cure. Then we butchered the doe, and put the meat on ice - using some of it to cook up a pretty tasty roast for the evening. We ate late that night - but it was worth the wait for the first fresh meat in over a month.
Dunno what we're gonna use the skin for yet, but I'm sure Jack will come up with something.
Part of my homework this week has been to come up with a summer project. Something I want to do on my own. Jack was non-specific as to *what* said project should be, but he pointed out that both Brock and his brother are quite handy metal workers and know how to weld and shape metal, and I already know basic carpentry and subsistance farming and hunting.
Not much metal work that needs doing right now though so I'm still thinking on it. Maybe I'll think of something that will let me put all of that together.
Hum. I need to do some reading.
Anyway I think thats it for now.